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What You NEED

To display a Website on the Internet you need the following -

  1. Domain Name
  2. Hosting
  3. Pages

Domain Name

This is your address (URL). eg


This is a server connected to the internet 24 hours a day. Your website is stored there and it displays your website to visitors.


This is your website. Pages of code that allows a visitors computer to read your website.
eg Home, About, Contact etc

We do it all

We can register your Domain Name, Arrange Hosting, Install a Content Management System, Build a Custom Website, Customise a Template or Update an Existing Website.

We will register your choosen domain name and at the same time set the DNS to point to your host. Choosing a domain name is of vital importance to your Search Engine ranking and your promotion. There are several factors to consider, so please consult with us and use our expertise to secure the best possible name.

We can arrange affordable top quality hosting. We bulk buy hosting from a large reliable company and pass the savings on to you. Packages start from a low $95.40 per year Read MORE here......

All About Web specialises in building Content Management Systems where you, the owner, have full control of your website.

The features of our CMS sites make them so much more useful and active than static sites that we feel our CMS websites ARE ALIVE!!!

Web Design to suit your Budget

Our award winning Web Design is Flexible, Interactive & Affordable. Customer Service is our priority, Good Looking & Functional Web Design, that can be found on Google, is our aim.


Economy CMS Website – $1200

OurĀ  basic Content Management System

We set up our Optimised Content Management System. This includes SEO, Backup and Security plugins, and everything we do to setup the CMS system for all our clients. From that point you take over, choosing a pre made design, adding content etc. You may upgrade at any time and get us to help. This is a very low price for such a powerful system and excellent value – call or email today!!
Phone 07 4054 4222 Email Click HERE to Email us


Business CMS Website – $1800

Our SEO optimised System

We include our powerful SEO which has proved itself with numerous Page One listings on the Major Search Engines for many clients. We use our proven SEO plan to configure the website so that it is easily found by clients searching for that business.

With all SEO components pulling together this is powerful SEO.

We discuss and advise with you to achieve an attractive and functional website for your needs.
We set up our search engine optimised Content Management System and design your website.

The cost includes digital imaging for up to 10 photo’s, insert some content supplied by you on each page and help you get started managing your own site.
You can pay more than this just to get your website Search Engine Optimised, so this is a Value Added Package.

We are always on hand to help and we take an interest in your site because we are proud of our web designs and want them to succeed. Please call or email today –
Phone 07 4054 4222 Email Click HERE to Email us


Premium Business CMS Website -from $2200

Our Custom designed SEO optimised System

This package includes a high level of Search Engine Optimisation, connecting to social media, further interaction with Google etc, all of which is necessary in a competitive business environment.

We discuss and advise with you to achieve an attractive and functional website for your business.
We set up our search engine optimised Content Management System, design your website, install additional components like booking forms etc . As each business has different needs please call and discuss your requirements for a complete quote.

Our Content Management Systems have a Site-Wide Consistency of Design and are database driven. Content can be easily searched, quickly updated and adding a new page is simple. We are always on hand to help and we take an interest in your site because we are proud of our web designs and want them to succeed. Please call or email today –
Phone 07 4054 4222 Email Click HERE to Email us


Additional Optimisation/Shopping Cart/Custom Designs – $POA

Award Winning Custom Designs

We begin by discussing your requirements and advising you on the best procedure to follow.

Our work has won awards, but more importantly our websites are built to work!!

Our high level of SEO & Content Management System configuration ensures your website will achieve it’s best page rank and be noticed.

We can install shopping carts, configure payment gateways and take your website to whatever level you need.

On completion we can manage the site or help you to take control. We are always on hand to help and we take an interest in your site because we are proud of our web designs and want them to succeed.
Phone 07 4054 4222 Email Click HERE to Email us