What You NEED

To display a Website on the Internet you need the following -

  1. Domain Name
  2. Hosting
  3. Pages

Domain Name

This is your address (URL). eg www.mydomain.com


This is a server connected to the internet 24 hours a day. Your website is stored there and it displays your website to visitors.


This is your website. Pages of code that allows a visitors computer to read your website.
eg Home, About, Contact etc

We do it all

We can register your Domain Name, Arrange Hosting, Install a Content Management System, Build a Custom Website, Customise a Template or Update an Existing Website.

We will register your choosen domain name and at the same time set the DNS to point to your host. Choosing a domain name is of vital importance to your Search Engine ranking and your promotion. There are several factors to consider, so please consult with us and use our expertise to secure the best possible name.

We can arrange affordable top quality hosting. We bulk buy hosting from a large reliable company and pass the savings on to you. Packages start from a low $95.40 per year Read MORE here......

All About Web specialises in building Content Management Systems where you, the owner, have full control of your website.

The features of our CMS sites make them so much more useful and active than static sites that we feel our CMS websites ARE ALIVE!!!

A Content Management System is a powerful tool for any website.

Designed to be easy for non technical people to use, a Content Management Systems (CMS) interacts with the internet giving many advantages over static websites.The most important feature is the ability to make your Website ‘Search Engine Friendly’, increasing the visibility so that it can be found.

Our CMS sites are programmed to notify Google of every update, insert meta data into the head of the page and create XML sitemaps - AUTOMATICALLY. This Search Engine Optimisation gives your website huge potential to attract more visitors.

How they Work –
Our Content Management System allows the editor to interact with the site in several ways. The CMS provides a simple user interface that allows the editor to create & edit content, add images and multimedia files, create content schedules, organise Images into Albums and Slideshows.

Design and Content are kept separate. The design of the website can be changed at any time without affecting the content, giving longevity to your project and also ensuring that the design of the website cannot be “broken’ or altered by any content author.

The website becomes truly dynamic and stays up-to-date. Fresh content can be added through any Web enabled computer, anywhere in the world, with no further software required.


Control: YOU have control; You know your business better than anyone else. Our CMS gives you instant control over the content of your website to get exactly what you want.

Effective: You save money by adding the content that you want to your website and lower the need to invest in speclialised web development skills.

Faster: When you need to change details or promote something new, there’s no delay waiting for the job to be done.

Fresh: Fresh and updated content that includes relevant keywords/phrases increases your website chances of better search engine rankings and ultimately higher percentage of web traffic.

Communication: Faster response to customer demands, improved content accessibility, improved content distribution and visitor feedback.

Efficient: Automatic Search Engine Optimisation, Database storage, Site-Wide Consistency of Design.

Longevity: Allows future redesigns to your site without having to reformat existing and archived content.

Modules :Add-on modules are available to handle Shopping Carts, Booking Calendars, Searching, Slideshows, Twitter/Facebook/Digg etc social Media Connections, Forums, Contact Forms and more!

Easy: If you can send an email you have the required level of knowledge to start using our CMS.

Of course we can manage the Content Management System for you. You still enjoy all the web friendly benefits of the system, plus we can update content far quicker than a static site, which is a cost saving to you.

Whether you’re a small business looking to grow, a retailer with an on-line catalog, an artist looking for exposure, or any business or organization seeking to maximize chances for success, a CMS opens up new ways to communicate with your audience.